About Janet
For Your Needs
Adult Formation
Reflection Days
Best Practices
AFF Helps
GEMS: Great Endeavors Mined and Shared
from an International Best Practices Study
(September 2010):
The Sunday-Monday Connection
#2 (October 2010):
A Year of Renewal
(November 2010):
A Royal Welcome: Secrets of Belonging
Part I)
(December 2010):
A Royal Welcome: Secrets of Belonging
(Part II)
(January 2011)
A Royal Welcome: Secrets of Belonging
(Part III)
(February 2011):
A Royal Welcome: Secrets of Belonging
(Part IV)
(March 2011):
A Royal Welcome: Secrets of Belonging
(Part V)
(April 2011):
A Royal Welcome: Secrets of Belonging
(Part VI)
(May 2011):
A Royal Welcome: Secrets of Belonging
(Part VII)
(June-July 2011):
Scripture by the Sound
(September 2011):
Online Scripture Study
(October 2011):
A Vicariate Mission
(November 2011):
Don't Be Caught Dead; Plan Ahead
(December 2011):
Parish Lenten Book Study Process
#15 (
January 2012):
ospitality in Adult Faith Formation
(Part I)
(February 2012):
Hospitality in Adult Faith Formation
(Part II)
(March 2012):
Hospitality in Adult Faith Formation
(Part III)
(April 2012):
Hospitality in Adult Faith Formation
(Part IV)
(May 2012):
Empowering the Living of Gifts
(June 2012):
A Retreat by Parishioners
(September 2012):
Adult Faith Formation that Keeps Growing
(October 2012):
Content in Adult Faith Formation
(Part I)
(November 2012):
Content in Adult Faith Formation
(Part II)
(December 2012):
Content in Adult Faith Formation
(Part III)
(January 2013):
Lenten Evening of Prayer
(February 2013)
Content in Adult Faith Formation
(Part IV)
(March 2013):
Content in Adult Faith Formation
(Part V)
(April 2013):
Content in Adult Faith Formation
(Part VII)
(May 2013):
Do It Yourself Evening of Reflection
(June 2013):
Adult Faith Formation: What Didn't Work
(Part I)
(July 2013):
Parish Week of Renewal
(August 2013):
Girlfriends in God
(September 2013):
The Catechumenate as a Model for Adult Formation
(October 2013):
Adult Faith Formation: What Didn't Work
(Part II)
(November 2013):
A Locally Developed Video Series
#36 (
December 2013):
One Word
(January 2014):
Stations of the Cross
(February 2014):
Movies at the Parish
(March 2014):
Blessing of Bikes
(April 2014):
Technology in our Ministry
(May 2014):
Technology and Adult Faith Formation
(June 2014):
An Effective Practice with Many Successful Components
(July 2014):
Adult Faith Formation Insights
(August 2014):
A Themed Approach to Lifelong Formation
(September 2014):
Prayer Forms
(October 2014):
Hospitality Update I
If you would like GEMS to be delivered to your email,
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The middle-of-the-month issues on current resources
are not archived here.
If you would like past copies,
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(December 2014):
Hospitality Update III
(November 2014):
Hospitality Update II
(January 2015):
An Art Conference
(February 2015):
It Happens at Home
(March 2015):
A Theme that Grows and Grows
(April 2015):
Praying with the Labyrinth
(May 2015:
Prayer Forms
(Part II)
(June 2015):
Enjoying and Sharing Books
(July 2015):
Adult Faith Formation: What Didn't Work
(Part III)
(August 2015):
Hospitality Update IV
(September 2015):
Hospitality Update V
(October 2015):
Hospitality Update VI
(November 2015):
Technology in Adult Faith Formation
(December 2015):
A Digital Lent and Device Sunday
(January 2016):
Lenten Soup & Bread
(February 2016):
A Right Brain Process
(March 2016:
Body and Soul
(April 2016):
Support for Grandparents
(Part I)
(May 2016):
Support for Grandparents
(Part II)
(June 2016):
Support for Grandparents
Part III)
(July 2016):
An Integrated and Ever-Growing Process
#68 (August 2016):
Celebrating Creationtide
(Part I)
(September 2016):
Celebrating Creationtide
(Part II)
(October 2016):
Video for Adult Faith Formation
(November 2016):
Prayer Forms
(Part III)
(December 2016):
A Busy Person's Retreat
(January 2017):
Hospice Nurses and Heaven
(February 2017):
Icon Writing as Formative
(March 2017):
Ministry with Maturing Adults
(Part I)
(April 2017):
Ministry with Maturing Adults
(Part II)
(May 2017):
Spiritual Autobiography
Deepening Faith:
Adult Faith Formation in the Parish
(June 2017):
The Parish Bulletin as Adult Formation
(July 2017):
Quotes Worth Thinking About
(August 2017):
Soul Friends
(September 2017):
Responding to Today's Needs
(October 2017):
A Celebration of Art and Tea
(November 2017):
Milestones Ministry
(December 2017):
Spiritual Journaling
(January 2018):
Invitation to Faith Sharing
(February 2018):
Gardening as Formative
(Part I)
(March 2018):
Gardening as Formative
(Part II)
(April 2018):
Gardening as Formative
(Part III)
(May 2018):
Formation Leading to Action
(June 2018):
Choice and Self-Direction
(July 2018):
Needs Assessment
(Part I)
(August 2018):
Needs Assessment
(Part II)
(September 2018):
Needs Assessment
(Part III)
(October 2018):
Needs Assessment
(Part IV)
: (November 2018):
Needs Assessment
(Part V)
(December 2018):
Needs Assessment
(Part VI)
(January 2019):
Lenten Spiritual Journals
(February 2019):
Lenten Evening Prayer
(March 2019):
Connecting the Generations
(April 2019):
Conversations in the Community
(May 2019):
Living in Christ Retreat
(June 2019):
Faith Story-Telling
(July 2019):
Counting the Consequences
(August 2019):
Tips for Social Media Use
(September 2019):
The Needs of Empty-Nesters
(October 2019):
Choices in Adult Faith Formation
(November 2019):
Choices in Adult Faith Formation
(Part II)
(January 2020):
Live It Kits
(February 2020):
Today's Best Practices, Today's Challenges
(March 2020:
Today's Best Practices,Today's Challenges
(Part II)
(July 2020):
Resources for Anti-Racism
(July 21, 2020):
Some Principles and Practices for Today
(Part I)
(August 20, 2020)
Some Principles and Practices for Today
(Part II)
(September 3, 2020):
AFF for Today's Current Events
(September 11, 2020:
Outreach During the Pandemic
(September 18, 2020):
Some Principles and Practices for Today
(Part III)
(September 24, 2020):
Grieving and Remembering
(October 10, 2020):
Ministry to Maturing Adults at this Time
(Part I)
(October 20, 2020):
Ministry to Maturing Adults at this Time
(Part II)
(December 1, 2020):
Spiritual Practices
(Part I)
(January 1, 2021):
Faith Rituals in the Neighborhood
(February 1, 2021):
Pandemic Times Have Taught Us
(Part I)
(March 1, 2021):
Pandemic Times Have Taught Us
(Part II)
(April 1, 2021):
Pandemic Times Have Taught Us
(Part III)
(May 1, 2021):
Pandemic Times Have Taught Us
(Part IV)
(June 1, 2021):
Pandemic Times Have Taught Us
(Part V)
(July 1, 2021):
Pandemic Times Have Taught Us
(Part VI)
(August 1, 2021):
Reflecting on Experience
(September 1, 2021):
Healing Memorials
(October 1, 2021):
Advent by Candlelight
(November 1, 2021):
Journey to the Nativity
(December 1, 2021):
The Tradition of the Nativity Scene
(January 1, 2022):
Lenten No Complaining
(February 1, 2022):
Prayer Stations
(March 1, 2022):
Spiritual Practices
(Part II)
(April 1, 2022):
A Precursor to the Synod
(May 1, 2022):
Pathways to Discipleship
(June 1, 2022):
Building a Ministry for Maturing Adults
(July 1, 2022):
Building a Ministry for Maturing Adult
(Part II)
(August 1, 2022):
Ministry for Maturing Adults
(Part III)
(September 1, 2022):
Advent Workshop
(October 1, 2022):
Advent Workshop
(Part II)
(Nov 2022):
Today's Best Practices, Today's Challenges
(Part III)
(Dec 2022):
Today's Best Practices, Today's Challenges
(Part IV)
(January 2023):
Quotes Worth Thinking About
(February 2023):
After the Synod Listening Sessions
(Part I)
(March 2023):
After the Synod Listening Sessions
(Part II)
(April 2023):
A Blessing for Widows
(May 2023):
Becoming a Trauma Aware Parish
(June 2023):
What Did We Learn?
(Part I)
(July 2023):
What Did We Learn?
(Part II)
(August 2023):
Remembering our Deceased Loved Ones
(September 2023):
What One Parish Can Do
(October 2023):
A Parish-Based Ministry with Catholic Senior Adults
(November 2023):
Prayer Stations
(December 2023):
Faith and Work
(January 2024):
Gardening as a Spiritual Practice
(February 2024):
Practices that Have Worked
(March 2024):
Small Faith-Sharing Groups
(April 2024):
Empathy Map
(May 2024):
Beauty and Adult Faith Formation
(Part 1)
(June 2024):
Beauty and Adult Faith Formation
(Part 2)
(July 2024):
Beauty and Adult Faith Formation
(Part 3)
(August 2024):
Beauty and Adult Faith Formation
(Part 4)
(September 2024):
Beauty and Adult Faith Formation
(Part 5)
(October 2024):
Prayer at Home during an Election
(November 2024):
Quilt Making
(December 2024:
Formation through the arts
(January 2025):
Lenten Journal
(February 2025):
Evaluating Websites